The First BP
Hey, neighbour. Thanks for showing your support and stopping to read the blog! This will be my first blog post and probably the most important. As the majority of you reading may know, this has taken me forever. Thank you for being patient and kind towards me as I’ve taken a step back from friends and family in the past few years.
I love you all and I hope you understand the need for me to focus solely on myself, my family and our life together. The season I was walking through didn’t allow much relief for my mind and friendships were virtually impossible to hold together. I’m proud of the work we accomplished, but I’m sorry that it may have negatively impacted my loved ones. I appreciate you.
Now, please, read a little about my Chaga Health Tea because it’s legit incredible. The health benefits are off the charts, as well as being one of the only nutrients in the world with such a high antioxidant value. The advancements in cancer treatment are thrilling. Studies held all over the world report promising signs of cell regeneration when using the healing power of Chaga. My family has been harvesting Chaga for generations. This hyperfood is so rare that it’s considered Forest Gold and should be treasured. All the Chaga we offer is personally harvested - responsibly - and with the future in mind.
I’ve had this business plan in the works for many years and I’m proud to be ready to sell it. ♥ Enjoy the pre-sale price along with free shipping across Canada. (Local family and friends can arrange a pick up time!)
Chaga tea lightly steeped and deeply steeped.