Is There EVIDENCE to Back up That THOUGHT?

A THOUGHT is a funny thing. It holds so much weight and importance. Until it doesn’t. And that’s the beauty of asking yourself to look at the EVIDENCE of any given circumstance, conversation or internal thought battle. Most of the time, the answer is no. No, there is no evidence or any merit to these negative/intrusive thoughts. You can choose not to receive them and let go of any remaining guilt that’s posing as a theoretical Karen.

You can LEARN tools that will help you overcome your thoughts.

Knowledge is power, baby. Maybe not power…power can be a creepy word sometimes. Knowledge is a super valuable and attainable tool for us…? Let’s go with that one. In life roles, careers and even relationships. Let’s all try to learn a little more about truth, ourselves, the ones closest to us, our neighbours and strangers alike. I wish I could finish this now but I’m about to fall asleep standing up. I’ve still gotta do my skincare y’all.

Now, imagine some thought provoking ideations written on that notebook.


This Will be a Many Hopes & Dreams BP